Friday, October 30, 2015

First love

I know teens are in love these days. I know. Maybe you have a BF or a GF at your school. Or  in youth group. Maybe their your friend or next door neighbor. Or if you have a crush on someone who you want to be your bae. Life is full of uncertainties and we don't know who we will end up with or who we will date. God does. Is your current boyfriend or girlfriend your "first love"?

What about Jesus? He's always been there since you were even thought about by your parents. He knows every hair and bones, teeth, lifespan, toes, your eye color, your height, etc. he knows who you are. And he loves you. Idk if you ever prayed that child hood prayer before bed
"Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep. He loves me both day and night and even when I wake up in the morning light. If I should die before I wake my soul is for the lord to take. Amen"
Do you remember?

Or what about that food prayer
"Dear God thank you for this meal I revived and thank you for the sun to grow the plants which the seeds have sewn. Amen"

Or something similar
Do you remember?

But when we got older did we forget about God or did we just go in and did it our own way?

Jesus loves you. He always has for he will never leave you alone in your hardest moments.

I think as I write this blog I can relate to teenage pressure.

My personal story is amazing.

I recently realized that anxiety is a hard time in life. We all have it.
Praying is wonderful to solve problems with yourself.
And I realized that we should wait on the lord to bring us our wife or husband.
If you're a dude you might go after the ladies because of their bodies or pretty makeupy faces. When really you need to go after their heart.
Ladies if you read this blog every day after school or after I post you probably need to check out this blog I wrote

It's great but I'm working on it.
Don't let the men come to you meet them in the middle. The bible says that we love
“We love because he first loved us.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

On modesty and what to wear
“I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭2:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

My question is that do you remember the book of Esther?
What about queen vashti ?

Or what about Jezebel? In revalation

Those two women were self centered in theirselves than being in love with God.

What will you choose to be self centered or go with your first love (God)?

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